The Wedding Tamasha by Sudha Nair


Review ⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐

"The WEDDING TAMASHA won the Amazon KDP Pen to Publish 2017 contest and was my debut novel. It took about two years to complete from its inception to the final version. The culmination of my blood, sweat and tears into an award was the most unbelievable and the best part of my writing life." explained by SUDHA NAIR in a interview.

•About the Author

Sudha Nair is a recent winner of the Amazon KDP Pen to Publish contest for her debut novel, ‘The Wedding Tamasha’. Formerly a techie, she used to write code, now she writes books. A self-professed chronic daydreamer, she also enjoys reading, singing, and soaking in the view of the ocean whenever possible. She has written several short stories for online magazines. Her short story, The Sneaky Blogger, was published in Vengeance, an anthology by Wrimo India. She is currently working on her next novel. She lives with her family in Bangalore, India.

•How the story comes in her mind

She explained how this story comes in her mind ? -

"My brother was going to be married in Chennai in December 2015 when heavy floods hit the city. The airport was shut down, the situation was so bad that we were all very worried. Luckily, conditions improved miraculously just a week before the wedding and things went ahead smoothly. That’s when I wondered, What if? something had gone wrong, and everything hadn’t turned out as it had.

Once the thought of writing about a wedding in trouble came into my head, I also needed a protagonist who was in worse trouble than the wedding itself, and that’s how Shweta’s character was born."

•About the story

The quirky and impulsive protagonist Shweta, however, has run away from her husband in the US and is trying to make ends meet by working at a Mexican cafe so that she can buy a ticket to get back home. She is alone and thousands of miles away from her family. But she has no choice than to come back to India now and reveal the truth to her parents. What would she do if her husband came to the wedding and demanded that she go back with him? How would she deal with it? How would the parents deal with the situation? That’s what the story is about.

The theme of THE WEDDING TAMASHA is about being brave and embracing life with a passion. If you’re a woman faced with challenges, this book is for you. If you’re a man who loves a woman but is afraid to say it, this book is for you too. In fact, I’ve seen a lot of men really enjoying this book as much as the women.

The pressure in the Indian society for girls to marry by a certain age and the prospect of an arranged marriage to a stranger is still very much a challenge. While some marriages turn out to be lucky matches, there are many that don’t, and then there are some that are horrible. I wanted to bring those truths to light and hopefully inspire women to take charge of their lives no matter which side of the fence they find themselves on.


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